This discussion paper presents a desktop analysis on the topic of Indigenous Cultural Mapping with a focus on the Australian context. The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance (the Alliance) commissioned The Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) at The University of Queensland to undertake this work. This review of Indigenous Cultural Mapping forms part of a broader research program …
Ask First: A guide to respecting Indigenous heritage places and values
Australian Heritage Commission – 2002 Indigenous heritage conservation and management aims to sustain the relationship between Indigenous people and their heritage places in such a way that the heritage values of each place are maintained for present and future generations of all Australians.
Cultural Heritage Protection Reform: ANTAR PAPER
his background paper provides information on First Nations cultural heritage reform including recurring themes for reform, the current legislative framework and co-design options to reform First Nations cultural heritage protections. The need to improve protection for First Nations cultural heritage was tragically brought into sharp relief by the destruction of Juukan Gorge by Rio Tinto in May 2020 and the …
ANTAR Cultural heritage pages
Protecting our Past, Present & Future What is First Nations cultural heritage? What is the history of cultural heritage in Australia, and where are we up to now? Take action and join the movement for Cultural Heritage Protection in Australia Includes: What is First Nations cultural heritage? History of cultural heritage awareness in Australia The destruction of Juukan Gorge Cultural …
Cultural heritage fact sheets VIC
Aboriginal places and objects Find out more about Victoria’s Aboriginal places and objects. The Aboriginal cultural heritage fact sheets provide information about the types of Aboriginal cultural heritage found in Victoria. Aboriginal Scar Trees Aboriginal mounds Aboriginal freshwater middens Aboriginal flaked stone tools Aboriginal burials Aboriginal surface scatters Aboriginal quarries Aboriginal ground-edge axes Aboriginal grinding stones Aboriginal stone arrangements Aboriginal …