Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 (TAS)
Museums (Aboriginal Remains) Act 1984
An Act to provide for the vesting of all Tasmanian Aboriginal remains presently held by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery and the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in the Crown and then in trustees on behalf of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, and for other purposes
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service is the government body responsible for protected areas of Tasmania on public land, such as national parks, historic sites and regional reserves.
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975 (Tas)
Indigenous Heritage in Tasmania is protected primarily by the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975 (Tas) (Aboriginal Heritage Act). The Aboriginal Heritage Act establishes a scheme for the protection of Aboriginal relics (which are broadly defined to include objects, places and sites). The Aboriginal Heritage Act is administered by the Minister for Heritage through Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania in the Department of Primary …