First Nations and heritage
50. Labor recognises the deep trauma caused to First Nations peoples from the destruction of their spiritual, cultural, and physical heritage.
51. Labor will assert the strong national interest in valuing and protecting First Nations spiritual, cultural, and physical heritage as the embodiment of the oldest continuous culture on earth, and as an essential part of our national identity.
52. Labor will work with First Nations people and states and territories to create an effective national framework for protecting First Nations heritage, including the adoption of minimum national standards, improved Commonwealth mechanisms for heritage listing and emergency protection, and proper keeper protocols consistent with Australia’s international obligations, and built on the foundation of free, prior, and informed consent.
53. Labor will:
a. work with Traditional Owners as well as the states and territories to create better governance structures and management programs for Commonwealth properties of heritage significance;
b. support the investigation and nomination of areas suitable for future listing led by Traditional Owners in cooperation with state and territory governments and other stakeholders, and support Traditional Owners to pursue World Heritage listing for the Kimberley;
c. support Traditional Owners to pursue resolution of outstanding Cape York tenure issues and, if consent is granted, subsequently pursue World Heritage listing for appropriate areas of Cape York, recognising the importance of federal leadership and the consent of Traditional Owners
d. work with Traditional Owners as well as the states and territories to create better governance structures and management programs for Commonwealth properties of heritage significance;
e. ensure cultural values are included in all National and World Heritage listings;
f. oppose resource extraction in national parks or World Heritage areas; and
g. ensure environmental laws are fully applied to protect World Heritage sites from the construction of dams or the raising of dam walls that would inundate those sites.