This act provides for the identification and registration of items of State or Local Heritage significance. The Act seeks to protect and conserve items of State or Local Heritage significance through the operation and establishment of the Heritage Council of NSW and its associated functions.
NSW Environmental and Planning Assessment Act 1979
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is the primary land use planning statute in NSW. It governs matters such as planning administration, planning instruments, development assessments, building certification, infrastructure finance, appeals and enforcement.
NSW Government Aboriginal cultural heritage info page
Aboriginal cultural heritage refers to places, object and stories which are significant for Aboriginal people and the story of New South Wales. Aboriginal people have lived on this land for more than 60,000 years. Country represents the deep connection to land, water and sky which is important for spiritual, cultural, family, and economic wellbeing of Aboriginal communities.
DRAFT NSW Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2018
DRAFT NSW Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2018: public consultation draft
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) (NPW Act)
The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) (NPW Act) is the main law in NSW that protects Aboriginal culture and heritage. The NPW Act is managed by the Minister for Energy and Environment with assistance from the National Parks and Wildlife Service along with its Chief Executive. The Office of Environment and Heritage is responsible for protecting Aboriginal culture …